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Mina xanim Kamrani uchun BMT -ye hazirlanmish iletishimin son varyanti

Mina xanim Kamrani uchun BMT -ye hazirlanmish iletishimin son varyanti

Say (No.) : 462/ 2007
Tarix (Date): 2 Sept 2007

BMT, İnsan Haqları üzrə Ali Komissarlığı, Cenevrə

Lütfən bu İlətişməni fikir və bəyan sərbəstliyi üzrə Özəl Raporterə çatdırasınız. Eləcə də bu İlətişmə aşagıdakı Özəl Raporterlərə də dəxli var:
· Öz-xoşuna tutuqlular üzrə Çalışan Qrup;
· Qazıların müstəqilliyi üzrə Özəl raporter; və
· Çağdaş irqçilik, irqi ayrı-seçkilik və qatlaşmazlıq üzrə Özəl Raporter.

Üzü Dyke bəy Xanım Harrison, Amnesty International, London

Sayın cənablar,


Xanım Kamranının fikir və bəyan sərbəstliyini qorumaq üçün Cədvəl 1-dəki birinci İlətişməni hüzurlarınıza sunuruq. Xanım Kamranı öz həyat yoldaşı uğrunda yorulmadan kampaniya aparır, ki o Güney Azərbaycanın milli hərəkətinin insan haqları üzrə görkəmli bir vəkili və insan haqlarını savunanıdır.

İlətişmənin Cədvəl 1-də xanım Kamranı haqqında İranın təhlükəsizlik məmurları tərəfindən yürüdülən risklərin təxminini təqdim edilir. Məhz bu risklərə görə bu kimi fərdlər fikir və bəyan ifadə haqlarından yoxsun qalırlar.

Bütün ehtimali riskləri göz önünə alaraq , bu İlətişməni sunmaq üçün xanım Kamranı, onun ailə üzvləri və yaxud təmsilçiləri ilə heç məşvərət etməmişik. Bu İlətişmə bizim öz təşəbbüsümüzdür və bunu ifadə etmək zorundayıq ki, Kamranı ailəsindən məsuliyyət götürülsün.

Ən sonda Kamrani bəyin və Kamrani xanımın sağlamlıqlarını və insan haqlarını qorumaq üçün sizə müraciət edirik.

Hörmət ilə:

Böyük Rəsuloğlu

Dünya Azərbaycanlılarının Haqlarını Müdafiə Komitəsinin sədri

Say (No.) : 462/ 2007
Tarix (Date): 2 Sept 2007

The Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva

Please circulate this letter to the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression. Also this Communication is relevant to the following Special Raporteurs:
· Working Group on arbitrary detention;
· Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges;
· Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance.

· CC Mr Dyke, and Mrs. Harrison, Amnesty International, London

Dear sir/madam,


Please find enclosed Communication No. 1 submitted for the attention of the Special Raporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression of Mrs. Kamrani. She is a tireless campaigner for her husband, Mr. Kamrani, a distinguished human rights lawyer of Southern Azerbaijani national movement and a human rights defender.

The Communication in Table 1, presents our assessment of risks to Mrs. Kamrani by intimidations of Iranian security agents. As such, there is no opportunity for such individuals to exercise their right to freedom of opinion and expression.

We would like to stress that the compilation and submission of this Communication is our initiative and we have not consulted with Mrs. Kamrani, her family members or anyone representing her interests. We state this to manage the risk of reprisal against her by the Iranian authorities.

Once again we appeal to you to act on this case for safeguarding the human rights and safety of Mr. Kamrani and her family members.

Yours faithfully,

Boyuk Resuloglu

For and on behalf of
The Committee for the Defence of the Rights of World Azerbaijanis

Table 1: Communication to Safeguard the Rights of Mrs. Mina Kamrani
1. Allegation regarding the person:
Description of the violation of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, including date, location and circumstances of the event;

Outline: This Communication presents the case of Mrs. Mina Kamrani, the wife of a prisoner of conscience, Mr. Saleh Kamrani. She is constantly intimidated by Iranian authorities in a variety of ways. We have written to you in the past and informed you of the techniques employed by the Iranian authorities to harass the family members of the prisoners of conscience (see our Communication Ref.: 416/2006 on 29 November 2006) and the case of Mrs. Kamrani is similar and no exception.
Name: Mrs. Mina Kamrani. Her maiden name is Esgeri (which may be transcribed as Asghari)
Age, We do not know her age.
Gender, Female

Ethnic background She is a Southern Azerbaijani national, a citizen of the Islamic Republic of Iran – her ethnic/national affiliation is one of the central issues, as she campaigns for the official recognition of mother tongue of Azerbaijani Turkic.
Profession; We have no direct knowledge of her profession.
Mrs. Kamrani campaigns for the release of her husband who has been imprisoned arbitrarily by Iranian authorities for legally defending human rights of the activists of national movement of Southern Azerbaijan and indeed minority nationalities in Iran as well. We are confident that you are well aware of the case (for more background see Urgent Actions by Amnesty International e.g.: and for a recent one please refer to Her husband’s ordeals should also be seen in the background of the May 2006 Mass Protests, which swept throughout Southern Azerbaijan in response to a State-sponsored abuse of the national integrity of Southern Azerbaijanis. An estimated 2 million people took part in these protests. Since then, Mr. Kamrani has been a target to the Iranian authorities to gag him and prevent him from defending hundreds of innocent activists who are being stitched by security agents with arbitrary charges.

Affiliations It is widely known that Mr. Kamrani is a human rights lawyer and does not have any affiliation to any organization and this equally applies to his wife, Mrs. Kamrani. They are fully committed to peace and democracy.

Past or present participation in political, social, ethnic or labour group/activity:
To our knowledge, Mrs. Kamrani does not participate in any political, social or labour activity.
Information on other specific activities relating to the alleged violation.

Mrs. Kamrani has been subjected to numerous intimidations and she is outspoken on this. For more information, you may refer to the following: ( In general, we have written to you in the past that the wife of a prisoner of conscience in Southern Azerbaijan is forced to social exclusion by the Iranian security agents. For instance, the wife of a prisoner of conscience cannot go outside for the fear of being arrested.

2. Allegation regarding a medium of communication:
A description of the alleged infringement on the right:
Mrs. Kamrani has exercised her right to freedom of opinion and expression and campaigned for the release of her husband, Mr. Kamrani, as well as the rights of Southern Azerbaijanis and women in Iran and Southern Azerbaijan. However, her right is infringed by the Iranian authorities.

The nature of the medium affected (e.g. newspapers, independent radio); including circulation and frequency of publication or broadcasting, public performances, etc

We do not have any specific information on this.
Political orientation of the medium (if relevant).

We are not aware of any political orientation, other than the solid commitment of the family to purely democratic means and the exercise of human right principles. They are renown for not compromising human rights.
3. Information regarding the alleged perpetrators:
Name, State affiliation (e.g. military, police) and reasons why they are considered responsible:

The intimidating agents are often harboured by the Ministry of Intelligence through security agents. These are often nebulous overtly organized militia groups that are heard of but not seen. It is impossible to be more specific than this.

Mrs. Kamrani is constantly harassed by such agents in Tehran, where the family lives.

For non-State actors, description of how they relate to the State (e.g. cooperation with or support by State security forces);
If applicable, State encouragement or tolerance of activities of non-State actors, whether groups or individuals, including threats or use of violence and harassment against individuals exercising their right to freedom of opinion and expression, including the right to seek, receive and impart information.

No one knows who these security agents are but they are certainly harboured by the Ministry of Intelligence officials. They often can get away with anything they do.
4. Information related to State actions:
If the incident involves restrictions on a medium (e.g. censorship, closure of a news organ, banning of a book, etc.); the identity of the authority involved (individual and/or ministry and/or department), the legal statute invoked, and steps taken to seek domestic remedy;

If the incident involves arrest of an individual or individuals, the identity of the authority involved (individual and/or ministry and/or department), the legal statute invoked, location of detention if known, information on provision of access to legal counsel and family members, steps taken to seek domestic remedy or clarification of person's situation and status;
It is impossible to provide the details of the agents who inflict intimidation acts, as the Iranian authorities are extremely careful to cover their tracks.

If applicable, information on whether or not an investigation has taken place and, if so, by what ministry or department of the Government and the status of the investigation at the time of submission of the allegation, including whether or not the investigation has resulted in indictments.
The government, Ministry of Intelligence, their overt agents, and Ministry of Justice officials often collude together.
5. Information on the source of the communications:
Name and full address:
Mr. Boyuk Resuloglu,
Ayna, Sherifzade 1,
The Republic of Azerbaijan
Telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address (if possible):
Tel/Fax: +47-99399225
Email: or
Name, address, phone/fax numbers and e-mail address (if applicable) of person or organization submitting the allegation.
As above
Note that DunAzHAK is an NGO devoted to the defence of human rights.